Had to bite the bullet and promised: "Stay!"chanel outlet Chennai heard the Asian long-chun, submissive sitting on the side of the middle and Ayako left a vacancy.
This time we have found this situation, all know Aguri Tianjin and the beautiful woman that may exist between some of the tricky, but did not point out.
As for Ayako, she also busy pour drinks for everyone, and totally did not notice.
The hands of the drinks on the side, looked at the side of the Asian long-chun said: "Oh? Ani you how to sit down?"
Hear the the Ayako words, the presence of all the people left a sweat, a sweat to stay for the confused!
96 of Chapter I in the end how to do? (Fourth) (seeking all the support!)
Asia Kutsuna hear Ayako, think: Sister ah! You do not see what, husband, if I do so that after the things difficult!
However, this only Asian Kutsuna hearts, fills Ayako do not know.
Ayako is not a change in position and the Asian long-chun, and even pulled the Asian long-chun a Aguri Tianjin sitting over there.
Ayako pull Chennai child that Resentment eyes under the Asian long-chun, had to bite the bullet and sitting between two people.
Meals time after the Asian long-chun, everyone's happy, frolic. Not sweet, and Ayako happiness.chanel outlet
Aguri Tianjin is at this time living in misery, tormented!